I remember watching this when it was Under Judgment and giving it a 1 or 2.
I really don't get why you're so popular. None of your stuff is really any good, but this is probably the worst I've seen from you.
The animation was decent, I suppose, but I couldn't really enjoy it because of how terrible the line art was. It looks like you just said "Fuck it" after you made the sketch layer and added some shitty coloring.
You didn't even bother to do some shading. Instead you just slapped on an alpha'd black gradient.
But whatever, right? After all, you have a hilarious song to back the shitty art up. Too bad you didn't make the song. And too bad it's unfunny and cliche. Seriously, there are millions of 'joke' songs (and music vids) out there just like this, and they're all terrible.
It's clear that you've realized that you don't have to try anymore, since your ten year old fans are gonna upvote ypur work no matter what.
I suppose I wouldn't have a problem with this movie (and you, for that matter), if it didn't have such a high score and wasn't so popular. Seriously, all of your work looks like it was made in, like, 2004.
I know that this review is gonna be rated as useless (because compliments are much more helpful than critique, amirite?) and I'm gonna get review banned for not giving the mighty Edd a 10, but I just wanted to say how I feel about your work.